There are a number of ways you can implement measures that will increase opportunity, equity, and economic mobility for all of your employees.


  • Advocate for changes in housing zoning to lower costs of housing for your workforce.
  • Let us know about land that your company owns that could be used for housing.
  • Set goals and implement a diversity scorecard to track your progress.
  • Advocate for measures to increase post-secondary educational attainment and decrease financial burden for students by maximizing federal assistance, scholarships, concurrent enrollment, flexibility and lower-cost options.
  • Remove unnecessary degree requirements and establish skill and competency-based requirements for jobs.
  • Provide every employee earning less than $45,000/year with an annual meeting with HR to explore career options and maximize education benefits.
  • Develop incentives to support other employers who are training and upskilling workforce.
  • Change your benefits structure based on the needs of lower-paid workers – transportation, childcare, training and/or tuition reimbursement.
  • Establish mentorship programs and coaching relationships with small businesses.
  • Develop targeted networking opportunities with entrepreneurs.
  • Build relationships and provide exposure to start-up and small business networks.
  • Accept interns and support their current and future learning.
  • Participate to learn how to partner with philanthropy and other lenders to increase funding for small businesses and housing projects.


Select an option below to learn more.

Prosper CO is focused on providing more Coloradans with quality jobs, reducing barriers for small business owners and increasing access to affordable housing.